"What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?"

"So, there I am at the supermarket.  It's a BEAUTIFUL late summer/early autumn day.  Warm, sunny, dry, fragrant air...  I'm putting my groceries into the car and just enjoying everything, and I hear a shopping cart go by.  I glance up, and it's one of those carts with a toy car in the front, and the little driver is taking his role very seriously.  My heart goes pitter-patter as I enjoy his enjoyment."

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When you don't see eye to eye

When you don't see eye to eye

It happens!  You have one way of doing things and your co-parenting partner has a totally different way!  What do you do then???  Here are some things you can try that may reduce friction...

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Peaceful parenting and soup...

Peaceful parenting and soup...

A delectable, comforting, enriching, nutritious soup depends on having the right ingredients in the right quantities.  And, in the radical unschooling “soup,” peaceful parenting principles constitute the soup base.  Radical unschooling without peaceful parenting may not go down so easy, and may not leave the best taste in your mouth.  (The truth is, peaceful parenting makes everything taste better!)

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